Do you really need a social media manager? There is a lot of confusion out there recently about what the purpose of a social media manager. What do they do? Is it worth spending money on one? Why can't I just hand over my social media to the closest Gen Z I find? Honestly, these are all completely valid questions. So let's jump in and see if I can answer them for you.
Do you really need a social media manager? Maybe! Follow this handy dandy infographic and let's find out.

So let's break it down. If your answer was "yes" here are a few reasons that could be:
You don't have enough time per week to devote to your content Content creation and execution takes up a TON of time and energy. If you're running a businesses, especially in the beginning, and also trying to produce content regularly, it's easy to fall out of a schedule. Social Media is a long game, so the more consistently you're able to post, the better you will do overall.
You're not happy with the quality of the content you're able to produce in the designated time you do have Do you ever look at another company's content and feel like you're missing something because yours does not look like theirs does? Does constantly coming up with content make you feel like you're running in a circle? Content quality is just, if not more important, as consistency. If you feel like figuring out what to post is like running into a brick wall, that's totally normal. Content creation can be extremely difficult, especially when it's for your own product. You view your product one way and that many not always transition into how the consumer views your product. Producing quality content is a lot of trial and error at first, but looking into using a social media manager can help with that.
Your content is not meeting your goals Obviously the goal for most companies is to sell more of their product or get more clients for their service. Social media goals however, are slightly different. Social media goals include brand visibility, providing information about your product and industry, growing a community, etc. If this is a little overwhelming, again you may need to look into hiring a social media manger.
Now, we have discussed all of the reasons you may want to hire a Social Media Manager, so let's look at the reasons you may NOT need to.
You're happy with the content you're producing Along the same lines as before, quality content is key. You may be posting 5 times a week with no problem, but the content you're posting needs to be up to your standards. Quality content is difficult to put out every day each week. However, if the content you're producing seems to be working well for you and you are personally happy with the content's quality and performance, that's awesome! Keep it up!
Your content is meeting your goals As I mentioned before, if your content is meeting the goals you and your company have set, then you probably don't need a social media manager! If you are only posting 2 times a week, but have the ability to post more, you probably can test more posts before needing to hire a social media manager.
Remember, not everyone needs a social media manager! It's completely up to your company, your goals, and your budget whether you should look into hiring one.